Making agriculture profitable and
environmentally sustainable today
and in the future

Farmers who provide food security for the world, are left to deal with risks and uncertainty on their own

A farmer single-handedly navigates several unknowns – from pre-sowing factors such as changing weather conditions, productive seed selection, optimum irrigation, and dependable crop insurance to post-harvest storage methods and changing market prices.

At, we have come together with the firm belief that we can’t look at these challenges in isolation. We need to connect the dots at an ecosystem level and create holistic, full-stack solutions at every stage of the crop cycle.

We may not circumvent risk altogether, but by using technology, we can nurture a sustainable ecosystem that creates a resilient farmer.

Our digital ag ecosystem comprises an agriculture app, an agri-input e-commerce platform, farm mechanization, agricultural consultancy services, farm advisory, and easy access to farming solutions.

The Ag Ecosystem

The farm and the farmer are at the heart of the agricultural ecosystem. For an ecosystem to be sustainable & viable, it must align with the needs of all stakeholders, including retailers, growers, traders, processors, and enterprises involved in the cultivation processes throughout the crop lifecycle stages.

As, we impact the ag-ecosystem throughout the crop cycle stages and solve the challenges faced by various stakeholders at every step.

Pre-Growth & Growth Stage

Beyond smart farming practices & advisory that help reduce cost and increase yields (Upaj), farmers need access to genuine retail inputs for soil nutrition and seed and crop protection. Agri-retailers play a crucial role in delivering accessibility of inputs to the farmers. As nurture.retail, an online agri-input e-commerce platform, we empower these retailers by enabling online input purchases, offering them credit solutions to manage their cash flows, connect to their customers, and earn rewards.

Growth & Harvest Stage

Post purchases of inputs, farmers need access to farm mechanization right from spraying fertilizers & pesticides to harvesting crops. We as offer farming services, agro advisory services, and product scanning abilities to help them optimize their input & labor costs.

Developing, implementing, and propagating sustainability is a top priority during growth. To drive the adoption of sustainable farming practices and encourage farmers to practice crop residue management, we at nurture.sustain help farmers generate additional income through our carbon credits program.

Post Harvest Stage

Traders, growers, processors & buyers should have complete clarity on the quality of produce, farming practices followed, and insights into the weather conditions the crop were grown. Through our & nurture.sustain platforms; we help deliver traceability & transparency right from pre-sowing to harvest stages, promising quality assurance to the customers & fair value to growers.

The Crop Cycle

Our Solution

Using technology to shape the future of sustainable farming, at scale.’s
holistic solutions


Sustainable, scientific, high-
yield practices for growth,
harvest, post-harvest &
supply chain


Centralised access to
diverse, curated products,
services & intelligence
across input and output

It isn’t only about what needs to be done, but also
about when, how and how much.

From pre-sowing to post-harvest, we make multiple interventions with solutions ranging from farm mechanization, farm advisory, sustainability programs, market linkages, and more.

We diagnose problems and potential threats

We provide farm consultancy & advisory

We handle the implementation at the grassroots level.

We monitor & observe as the solutions get implemented. is a digital ag platform offering farm services, agri-input commerce, market linkages, and farm advisory to bring about digital transformation & drive sustainability in agriculture. We have successfully nurtured an integrated digital-first ag-ecosystem built on shared economy models, an active rural-gig economy workforce, and accessible technology for all.

nurture.retail is a digital agri-input e-commerce platform for agri-retailers offering the largest digital catalogue of agri-input products at best prices. Through our platform we offer credit solutions to over 80,000 retailers helping them manage their cash flows, grow their businesses and better serve the farming community.

1  Mn
Acres Serviced

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Come join us on March 26, 2022 to learn how design and research can play a role in transforming agriculture globally and bring human-centered experiences to the agricultural community.

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