Find your gift & purpose
at is a digital ag platform offering farm services, agri-input commerce, market linkages, and farm advisory to bring about digital transformation & drive sustainability in agriculture.  Since our inception, we have been working to lay the building blocks of change to make this transformation inclusive, accessible, and affordable. The outcome is an integrated ag-ecosystem built on shared economy models, an active rural-gig economy workforce, and accessible technology for all. We have impacted the lives of 1.6 million farmers through these efforts and serviced 5.5 million acres of farmland. And we are just getting started.

We have come a long way

  • Onboarded a community of 1.6 Mn+ farmers
  • Serviced 5.5 million acres of land
  • 1st Organization to forward sell 20,000 potential agri-related carbon credits in India
  • We helped make 600,000 acres of farmland sustainable
  • We helped build largest agri-input marketplace, with over 5000+ products listed and 80,000 retailers onboarded
  • Our retail marketplace has handled over 10 million orders to date 
  • Our Crop Residue Management program mitigated 1 Million tonnes of CO2 emissions by eliminating the need of stubble burning
  • We helped save 150 million litres of water by propagating sustainable farming practices
  • We helped farmers sell 10,000 tonnes of produce through market linkages
  • Established our presence in 13 states of India & 3 countries

Listen to our people speak

Awards & Recognition

We aren’t afraid to dream a little bigger

Our Building Blocks to Scale

GIS & Remote

Largest rural
gig-economy workforce

Cloud Computing, Machine Learning & Deep Learning


Flexi Credit

Trade & Market Linkages

Largest Fleet of Farm
Machinery to Drive
Mechanization at Scale

Unified Ag Platform for
service & commerce

Carbon Markets

GIS & Remote

Largest Rural
Gig-Economy Workforce

Cloud Computing, Machine Learning & Deep Learning


Flexi Credit

Trade & Market Linkages

Largest Fleet of Farm
Machinery to Drive
Mechanization at Scale

Unified Ag Platform for
Service & Commerce

Carbon Markets

Our Culture

Every win matters

We will have thousands of complex solutions presented in simplified ways. Solutions such as “spraying as a service” may even sound trivial. But for a farmer, it is 0 or 100, loss or profit. And, that outcome matters.

Impactful work balanced with fun

While the work we do is bold, ambitious, serious and outcome-driven, we are equally serious about having fun along the way! Taking digs at each other and proudly owning our quirks are a few of the ways we get to know each other on and off-screen.

Try new things, fail fast, learn, and move on

Being a trailblazer means creating your own path. We are in a completely undefined territory with not many precedents to follow and need to continually learn from our own highs and lows.

Open Culture,
Flat Structure

We are a company born in the remote work era. So putting up walls was completely out of the question. Everyone is equal here and we believe ideas can come from anywhere.

Our happy place

Perks & Benefits

We believe in doing everything we can to help you be the best version of yourself.

Employee Education Assistance Program

We set you on a path to success. We offer opportunities to all our employees to grow, learn, and scale by supporting their yearly up-skilling needs, financially & otherwise.

Lead, Own, and Get Rewarded.

We cultivate leadership, ownership, and accountability across functions. Every good deed gets rewarded.

Diverse Talent Pool

Different Mindsets. Better Outcomes. We are an equal opportunity employer hiring people from diverse backgrounds having unique perspectives.

We advocate

Take time off to travel, work on your health, or spend time with your loved ones. Not only will we encourage it, but we will also facilitate it.

We aid & support.

We lend a hand to help you deal with challenging life situations and offer financial and moral support in your time of need.

Parental Leaves & Child Care Support

We do our best to support you while you get used to the new responsibility of being a parent. You are entitled to leaves, benefits, daycare allowance, and more.

Wellness Leaves

Wellness takes precedence over work every time. Take a break to recharge. We have your back.

Insurance, PF, NPS & Gratuity

Health Cover, Life Cover, or Tax Benefits. We help you secure your future & that of your loved ones.

We love our people. Our people love us.

from the team!

Get a sneak-peek into all the magic and madness that happens at

What does it take to be at

Are you passionate about the mission?

It will never be about one blockbuster idea or tech innovation. It will be about how deeply you care about the ecosystem, how intensely you want to solve problems and how happily you collaborate. And how empathically you focus on the end-users: Farmers, Retailers and Traders.

Do you have a personality & a unique perspective?

Non-conformists who are comfortable in their skin energize us. We love to engage with people from different backgrounds, perspectives and ways of working. People who question everything; are unpretentious, honest, and upfront about what they know and what they don’t. We are looking for people who are open to constructive criticism, ready to go back to the drawing board and willing to seek help from colleagues.

Are you someone who’s always learning?

If you are looking at your career as a Jungle Gym: solving and learning; moving up, down, side to side; overall development to build holistic know-how of the ecosystem and grow as an individual and leader, you will enjoy the opportunities we offer. From technology to business to operations to product to agronomy to marketing to sales and strategy. There are no boundaries or silos.

Are you curious, courteous & courageous?

We are interested in knowing where your curiosity has taken you and how big you think. In your ability to take a punch and bounce back. In your capacity to debate while being respectful towards your colleagues and users. We want your ability to connect the dots, make tough decisions, and keep moving forward.

Do you have an entrepreneurial spirit?

You have been pained by this problem enough. You want to take the initiative, step in, get your hands dirty, and solve these problems yourself.

If you are answer is “yes” to all the questions posed by us and you wish to be a part of nurture fam?

Apply for one of our open positions.

Want to join our movement?

Your seat is booked!

Welcome to Spring. Your registration for Spring has been confirmed. An email with joining details for this event will be sent to you soon. Don’t forget to check out and participate in the Design Challenge.  We look forward to meeting you soon!

Come join us on March 26, 2022 to learn how design and research can play a role in transforming agriculture globally and bring human-centered experiences to the agricultural community.

Download the Report