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Impact Summary

0 +

Projects Executed


Active Projects

0 K

Farmers Impacted


Crops Made Sustainable (Paddy, Wheat & Sugarcane)

0 K*

Carbon Credit Generated

0 .15Mn

Acres made

Verification & Accreditation Partner

Solving for the Rice Paradox

Sustainable Rice Program

We implemented and scaled the use of AWD (Alternate Wetting & Drying) & Direct Seeding techniques amongst the smallholder commu- nity. To ensure there was no yield loss, our field team monitored the depth of ponded water in the field using field water tube. AWD/DSR helped reduce water consumption. It helps reduce incidences of pests & diseases thereby improving yield quality. To top it off we leverage farm mechanization to fast-track seeding process, eliminating manual labor, ensure farmers safety .

Project Scale:
300,000 acres

No. of years:

Punjab, Haryana, AP & Telangana.

Estimate carbon credit generation of 0.83 unit per acre

Reduced water & energy consumption by 15 to 30% per acre depending on soil type

Advisory helped reduce Pest & Disease incidences

yield upto
5% per acre

Reduced Methane emissions
upto 50%

Saving water gives us a sugar rush

Sugarcane Sustainability

nurture.farm is working with Sugar mills and their captive farmers to adopt sustainable sugarcane cultivation practices which increase the row to row and plant to plant spacing. We will ensure the implementation of scientific package of practice, which includes the use of hydrogel Zeba which reduces plant abiotic stress and along with the growth promoters and the crop protection solutions will improve the yield by 25%.
nurture.farm will also work with the farmers to avoid burning of the crop residue.

Project Scale: 10,000 acres
We will scale it up to 100,000 acres by Jan 2023

Estimate carbon credit generation of 0.8 unit per acre

Upto 25% Increased yield per acre

Soil health improvement

Upto 25% reduction in Water per Ton of Sugarcane

Up 10%
Reduced cost

A partnership that’s symbiotic & sustainable

Sustainability is a challenge. No one can conquer alone.

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Welcome to Spring. Your registration for Spring has been confirmed. An email with joining details for this event will be sent to you soon. Don’t forget to check out and participate in the Design Challenge.  We look forward to meeting you soon!

Come join us on March 26, 2022 to learn how design and research can play a role in transforming agriculture globally and bring human-centered experiences to the agricultural community.

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