In a world of “for profits” and “not for profits”,
we work “for the benefit” of the whole ecosystem

The farmers are the original entrepreneurs, but they lack the support of an organised, robust ecosystem.

There are thriving ecosystems for entrepreneurs in various sectors around the world, that provide access to the best of talent, working capital, and resources. Unfortunately farmers can only rely on word of mouth when it comes to trying out new crops, rotation, soil techniques. They lack access to timely and reliable information; scientific advice and mechanization; crop insurance and health insurance, even though they are at the mercy of weather conditions and endure dire risk of plant disease. So much so that they do not have the luxury to think long term: “How will my decision today, impact my soil’s health 5 years from now?” , “Will I or my next of kin continue farming 20 years later, will my land then be able to yield?”, “How does my stubble burning affect other regions?”.

At, we have come together with the firm belief that we can’t look at these challenges in isolation. Risk, uncertainty, longevity of farm health, farmer prosperity and many more factors need to be understood at an ecosystem level. We need to connect the dots and create holistic, full-stack solutions at every stage of the crop cycle. Only then can we nurture a sustainable ecosystem that creates a resilient farmer. 

Agriculture, as a viable means of livelihood, is under grave threat!

Our current food systems are failing. Farmers and growers face ever increasing costs while their earnings decrease. As labour wages go up, it is imperative to bring in modern mechanisation, boost yield, land productivity, human productivity and return on the farmer’s investment (ROI). At the same time we have to be cognizant about declining soil quality and water availability. This means we have to work hard on both fronts: rewarding in the present and sustaining for the future.

What we want to do about this

Our vision is to turn agriculture into a viable, economically successful, long-term, sustainable endeavour for farmers.

Why this should matter to you, us and the rest of the world

This is not just the farming community’s problem. With more and more farmers giving up agriculture, global food security is at stake.

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Our mission

Making agriculture simple, profitable and sustainable for
generations to come through technology-led solutions

Improve the quality of life and foster a resilient farmer by creating a sustainable ecosystem that solves problems holistically

Provide timely scientific information at every stage of the crop cycle

Present guided interventions at the optimum time to only do what’s required without wasting effort in unnecessary, costly and pollution-causing scheduled practices

Bring in transparency and traceability of authentic products so that farmers, retailers and traders are never deceived

Supply convenient, effective, environmentally sustainable, professional services in spraying and other methods

Establish trust and deliver economic outcomes to current farmers to inspire those who have left, to return to agriculture with confidence

Our core values

Our values shape how we think, how we work, and the behaviours we stand for. Most importantly, they guide us to make decisions the “nurture” way.


We are here to reimagine sustainable agriculture across the ecosystem. We are open to all ideas—no limits, no borders. We make choices that create lasting, holistic value for the entire ecosystem.


We display empathy and care for the communities we serve and the planet we live on. We connect often and meaningfully with the grassroots.


We like to think big in everything we do—goals, effort and impact. We pursue audacious goals rather than incremental targets. Yet, we believe failure creates learning, so we treasure our failures.


We like to iterate and learn. We frequently experiment while being grounded in reality. We set an exceptionally high bar to plan what we aspire for, and to execute what we plan.


We like to own the outcomes we are responsible for. We trust people to do the right thing, and we uphold the trust they place in us. We go beyond our role to build our organisation and help our people become better versions of themselves.


We value diversity and openness in people and ideas. We believe in a culture of ideas over hierarchy. We evaluate opportunities based on merit and demonstrate transparency in everything we do.

The Team

At, our collective experience of building technology at scale, powering logistics, food systems, mobility and agriculture companies globally allows us to combine cross-domain principles and build agricultural solutions that are scalable, sustainable and valuable to all stakeholders.

Contact Us

We would love to hear from you. Please write to
us and we will reach out to you.

Part of the OpenAg™ network that feeds sustainable growth for all, is a digital platform with a mission to reimagine sustainability for agriculture and the world. It puts farmers, growers, farming communities, producers and consumers at the heart of food systems to ensure a better planet. As a part of its mission to create sustainable ecosystems, is encouraging regenerative agriculture practices and driving numerous programs, including stubble burning avoidance programs. Visit the OpenAg™ website to learn more.